Areas of Practice.



The most satisfying cases for family law attorneys involve adoptions. Representing stable and nurturing adults who seek to provide support and the basics of life to those whose biological parents are unable is a win for both the adoptive parents and the adoptee…read more



Divorce, or the dissolution of a marriage, is a major life event. Each divorce is unique based upon the married couple’s assets, debts, whether children are involved, and the level of cooperation or animosity between the parties…read more



Custody has to do with the decision-making power that parents have over their child’s education, medical care, religious training, or other areas of life that impact the child’s upbringing. Kentucky has a presumption that each parent is entitled to joint custody of minor children unless there is evidence to overcome…read more


Domestic Violence.

Domestic violence, interpersonal violence, and stalking are serious and consequential to both the victim and the accused. The hearings are not criminal proceedings, but civil actions. This means the victim is not represented by a prosecutor and the proceedings do not entitle the accused to a public defender…read more



If you’re struggling with unmanageable debt, bankruptcy can be a useful tool to help you get a fresh financial start. No matter how hard you try to stay ahead of your bills, circumstances such as death, job loss, illness, or divorce can make it impossible to achieve solvency…read more



Probate is the legal process by which certain types of assets are distributed from the deceased estate.  It is also used to pay legal debts of the deceased so that the deceased’s assets may be transferred to legal heirs…read more


Wills, Trusts & Estates.

Whether you are planning the parameters of your future medical care or establishing support for loved ones we can help with all aspects of your estate plan, including…read more