Wills, Trusts & Estates.


Protecting Your Family’s Wealth for Future Generations

Whether you are planning the parameters of your future medical care or establishing support for loved ones we can help with all aspects of your estate plan, including:

Last Will and Testaments

Funerary Directives

Appointment of Agent to Control Disposition of Remains

Physician’s Directives

Living Wills

Medical Powers of Attorney

Financial Powers of Attorney

Declaration of Guardian 

Living Trusts

Testamentary Trusts

Charitable Trusts

Medicaid Trusts

Special Needs Trusts

Spendthrift Trusts

Family Estates 

Will Contests

Estate Planning

Estate planning documents should be designed to fit your unique needs.  As you identify your goals, we create precise instruments to implement your intentions. We thoroughly analyze your estate and plan the best means of transferring your assets, minimizing taxes, establishing guardianship for your children, caring for your pets, supporting personal philanthropic causes, and protecting your loved ones.

Last Wills

An improperly drafted will that is rejected for probate can cost your heirs thousands of dollars in income taxes, fees, bond premiums, and costly civil litigation. The state intestacy statutes will determine the disposition of your assets unless you have a properly written and witnessed will.  Your written will provides the distribution plan for your property. Witnesses assure that your will is valid.  A will can direct that your property is left to a person or entity that is not a blood relative such as a domestic partner, friend of charity.  We review every contingency, so that the court cannot make decisions that do not reflect your desires. We draft valid wills that ensure your intentions are honored.

Powers of Attorney

Medical Power of Attorney

Medical power of attorney documents set the parameters for medical intervention in the event that you become unable to make a decision due to incapacity. This assures that when you are most vulnerable, your wishes will be honored. Within your medical power of attorney document, you will appoint a person you trust to make medical decisions and carry out any directives you provide. These directives may involve specific instructions, such as which hospital or doctor you prefer, or may leave the decision-making to your medical power of attorney. 

Financial Power of Attorney

When you grant a financial power of attorney you choose an agent to manage your financial affairs in the event that you are unable or incapacitated. A financial power of attorney document allows that agent to make decisions and carry out financial transactions in your name in the event that you are unable or incapacitated. Your agent will have a fiduciary duty to act in your best interest. Should you become incapacitated without a power of attorney in place there may be nobody with the legal authority to manage your financial affairs. 

Powers of attorney give another person the right to carry out legal actions in your name and on your behalf. We review your circumstances thoroughly and ensure that your decision to grant another person power of attorney is well informed and properly executed. 


A trust is an entity created to hold assets that are managed by a trustee for the benefit of certain persons or entities. The trust holds legal title of the assets while the beneficiaries have equitable title to the property. Trusts can protect assets, support individuals, or avoid the need for probate.  We create trusts to tailor to your unique objectives. 

Appointment of Guardians

You must consider contingency plans for the future of your minor children. 
This is especially crucial if you are a single parent but is equally important in the event of a common disaster that claims the live of both parents.  Guardianship can be named not only for their well-being but also to protect assets any assets they inherit until they reach the age of majority.